IPCubeManager™ is LANETCO's new advanced and user friendly control software based on TCP/IP control,
part of IPCubeSuit™!
It is a full Video Wall controller which can also control any other
LANETCO's products as well as other kind of displays.
It allows the full management of the sources and display such as re-sizing, moving anywhere onto the
Video Wall with just a mouse click.
For control room solutions, this software fits perfectly for large scale and desktop data as well as for video display.
IPCubeManager™ also supports additional modules which can be located within the main interface, can run
onto LANETCO's external processors or can be installed on some operator's workstations for some of them. All these modules
fully expand IPCubeManager™ control capabilities.
Main specifications:
• Friendly Graphic User Interfaces.
• Superior software capabilities.
• Allows the display in Real-Time, relevant information through TCP/IP.
• Full tracking of performed operations through a central SQL database.
• Multi-wall control capabilities.
• Multi-users capability.
• Advanced Modularity.
• Control of the video walls from anywhere.
• Fully secured access to multiple AV devices.
• Remote control & Supervision.
• Image capture and exportation capacity to other third party displays such
as Plasma, LCD, etc.
• Reduces operator workload.
• Reduces response time to dynamically updated info.
• Improve operator satisfaction by decreasing the number of menial
task performed.
Details of Main Components:
• IPCubeManager™
(Main control interface)
- Control and Settings of the
HyperLCD™ and any custom displays.
- Hardware definition.
- Auto detection of the IPCube™
- Auto creation of the IPCube™
video walls design.
- Generation of full cabling report.
- Management of the
HyperVison™9i and
IPVision™ at the hardware level.
- Management of the Cross Gates.
- Duplication of projects.
- Management of the display configuration.
- Color Labeling of pictures.
- Colored Frames around pictures.
- Creation of presets and recalls.
- Doesn't require any additional hardware or cabling whatsoever.
Details of Additional Modules:
• IPCubeTouch™ Module
- Operator's control interface.
- Basic commands of the display such as Power ON/OFF and preset recalls.
• Administration™ Module
- Access rights management to IPCubeManager™ and its modules.
- Display surface rights management at display module size ready.
- Access rights management to Pictures resources.
- User and/or Group rights management.
• IPCubeServer™
- Requires HyperLan™
external processor.
- Control of local applications.
- Server settings interface.
• RemoteCapture™
- Option for IPCubeServer™.
- Network Remote control of workstations running various
operating systems (Windows, Unix, etc).
- Display of the captured workstation onto the video walls.
• IPVisionServer™
- Requires IPVision™
external processor.
- Advanced management of IP Cameras over the network.
- Display of IP Videos pictures.
- Advanced display configurations possibilities.
• Scheduler™
- Actions scheduler (i.e. Power ON/OFF, presets recall, etc).
- Actions launched by alarm when associated to the Alarm™ Module.
- Tracking of the scheduled actions by sending SMS, e-mail or message over the network.
- Loop sequence mode.
• Alarm™
- Action(s) onto the video wall and peripherals from a RS232, UDP or TCP event received.
- Tracking of alarms by sending SMS, e-mail or message over the network.
• ColorAdjust™
- Color auto calibration and advanced settings.
- Brightness auto settings.
• IPCubeCaptureWall™
- Reception of the real and live content of the video wall display from all over the world.
- Real view exported in live streaming from the video wall content.
- Light version available into IPCubeManager™ main interface with basic
resolution and
frame rate.
- Full external version providing full resolution and frame rate up to 25 fps.
• Anim™ Module
- Auto animation of the video wall display.
- Creation of scenarios for moving, resizing or hiding/showing
• TradeMark™ Module
- Custom logo insertion at the
IPCube™ starting display and into
pattern mode.
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